Nah this he pelem that has in incer since non-the goal the first time in Thriler2 in cinema,,,,because has was super YAQIN would old non-the goal in Bekasi alhasil with the woman o0n Qu must pursue this pelem arrived at Jakarta,,, and alhasil could... Dah old gak watched in Djaket XXI, and evidently this the Studio has was very true GREAT MARKOTOB dagh,,,,,pokoke good-looking tuh Djaket now... Nah returned to this mupi,,,,pelem this told about the friendship that could break gara-gara the struggle for the place and all the matters something him that was connected with the marriage the Liv and Emma... Emma was depicted as a person cewe that was soft, and could be relied on during the Liv disappointed, while the Liv was depicted as cewe that was strong, strong and taft (whether his difference tried?? ) yes pokoke gitu the friendship of two women must wage war when the two of them were brought face to face with the problem of their marriage....
Funny and Amusing dagh,,,,pelem this also had moderate important matters could be taken by his benefit... jaelaaahhhh has just like the teacher ajah..... Wokeh this pelem including: 1. The comedy drama that taught us to not do something by all that were perfect, "because this life was chaotic" that said the Fletcher (the fiance Emma) 2. Evidently the friendship between 2 women really felt bangets until the matter that was not known by Emma could be known by Liv (and on the other hand) 3. Pelem this also ought to make realised the couple who wanted Mariage (that the couple who beforehand was had a crush by us 3-8 years behind, at the time of eventually will change and will not be the same) 4. Bachelor Party that diadain the Liv good-looking also, pa again the Emma that gak it was supposed-it was supposed evidently more.... gimana gitu........ FUNNY,,,,,,SEE THIS FILM OX.......
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