This duo of Sherlock HolmesKali friends must solve a case in which the perpetrator is a threat to the UK.
Five people have been killed a woman and the perpetrator is a devil worshiper named Lord Blackwood (Mark Strong).
Although captured and threatened hanging, but Blackwood promised to revenge the rise from the grave, and death after death will not be inevitable.
To ensure this, Holmes and Watson investigate the more intense. Especially after Blackwood actually rose three days after the funeral.
There was a witness who saw the incident, while the incident is of course a little tarnished Watson's face as he announced the death of Blackwood.
Reliability Holmes and Watson are no longer in doubt. They often helped the British police.
But, the case seems to drag Blackwood on government officials to take over the authority of the police. Here, Holmes hunted.
While pursued by the police, Holmes insisted to solve this mystery. Moreover, new threats come, right at 12 noon, the parliament denounced the death to the government officials.
Will Holmes and Watson to solve this case? Selamatkah them from a terrible explosion that created Blackwood?
Looks like no fun if you get the answer here. Watch the Sherlock Holmes movie in cinemas your favorite.
To be sure, not only involves the puzzle action, romance spice Irene shown with his share Adler (Rachel McAdams), who is a lover Holmes snapper class criminals. A series of events yet again, the fight until the explosion must pass Holmes.
Unfortunately, though his character was adapted from the classic novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle from Scotland who built in 1887, but the movie was not taken from one of his books.
However, the film director Guy Ritchie neatly illustrate nuances 'dark' in the era of England 1800-1900's. Not to mention, the puzzle case revealed at the end of the movie.
And apparently, the presence of the late Professor Moriarty in the film, could be a sign of a sequel for it.
Sherlock Holmes film is scheduled to release on December 25 next in America. Hopefully this film can also quickly fell in Indonesia, so you can judge the action duo of Holmes and Watson.
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