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Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

The Resident

Is Hilary Swank Nicole Kidman is undergoing a phase - in which he continually made the wrong choice by starring in a series of disappointing quality films after winning two Academy Awards by Boys Do not Cry (2000) and Million Dollar Baby (2002)? After The Black Dahlia (2006) and The Reaping (2007) which is very messy, Swank seems to fall back into the same hole through the Resident, a thriller with a storyline that is far from standard attractive impression. Swank, as always, are still able to display his best game as an actress. But the script is so weak that The Resident will drown the appearance of any caliber from the ranks of actors while making the audience will lose the sense of their interest in this film even when the Resident has just started his terror.

Juliet tells about Deverau (Swank), a physician who recently moved to New York and finds his life is in great hesitancy after discovering that her lover, Jack (Lee Pace), has been cheating on him. She then decided to rent a new apartment where he can rebuild his life. Luckily, she found an apartment with a large enough size and a very affordable price. Not only that, she also finds herself feeling attracted to the Max (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), his landlord, who was also felt the same way with Juliet.

Although the relationship between Juliet and Max then went pretty smoothly, she later admitted to Max that he still can not forget him completely. At the same time, he felt very sorry for the affair which he did to her, slowly began to approach her and intend to re-establish their love of rope - one thing that was not rejected outright by Juliet. Unbeknownst by her, there was someone who desperately wanted her and had been followed and watched every move. So knowing that she will be owned by someone else, the mysterious man then tried to do everything they can to get his wish.

Mystery, unfortunately, is not one thing that seeks to be covered in the storyline of The Resident. When the film is half the duration of the first step, the text of the story of The Resident then reveal a mystery that should be a primary key that can make the audience continued to follow and listen to what really happened to Juliet and the mysterious apartment. Lost its main attraction, The Resident then run in accordance with the standards typical Hollywood horror formula that later failed to be developed by the director, Antti Jokinen, to be a storyline that is still able to provide its own tension to the audience.

I wonder what Hilary Swank was in mind when he agreed to star in - and take part as an executive producer - this film. Have a shallow story, Swank was still able to give a convincing appearance of acting for this movie - including by appearing in some hot scenes. The character he played is also the only character that can be developed along the storyline of this movie. Compare with the August presence of the character played by Christopher Lee, who did not contribute anything in the storyline or the character of Jack is presented purely as a companion characters - and victim - for the storyline of this movie.

The character Max, played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan is a second character who gets a share of a considerable role in The Resident. Unfortunately, this character portrayed in a way that is too shallow. In one scene, The Resident want to show the character of Max as a character with a dark past. But it only lasted tersbeut on one scene. Nothing more. Morgan is also trying to show Max as a figure who suffered from his past. Business is pretty good, but very Terhadang by digging shallow characterization that has been written for the character of Max.

The Resident is one thriller that has a storyline typical Hollywood standards but failed to be built to provide the primary purpose of a thriller to the audience: suspense. Hilary Swank and Jeffrey Dean Morgan will still be able to say that they have given their full ability to animate the characters they play, but the storyline is too cliche, a mystery is revealed too soon, and a row of scenes that are so impressed very flat, The Resident does not just appear without giving an impression, but is present as a film that fails as a whole.

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